Wild Goose
City Cruises Newport Beach
Located at:
City Cruises Newport Beach
Venue Type:
2431 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA, USA
Once the private playground for legendary actor John Wayne, the Wild Goose is the ultimate venue for unforgettable events. Three decks of gorgeous woodwork, priceless paintings, intricate carvings and unique amenities make a cruise aboard the Wild Goose a one-of-a-kind experience.
Deposit Required
Available Hourly
Outdoor Event Space
Onsite Accommodations (Overnight)
Fully Equipped Kitchen
Refrigeration Available
Full Bar
Handicap Accessible
Wireless Internet
Onsite Valet Service
Onsite Catering
Outdoor Pool
Ceremony Area
Reception Area
Hat/Coat Room
Parking - Covered
Parking - Uncovered
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Newport Beach Harbor
2431 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA, USA
Wild Goose
Once the private playground for legendary actor John Wayne, the Wild Goose is the ultimate venue for unforgettable events. Three decks of gorgeous woodwork, priceless paintings, intricate carvings and unique amenities make a cruise aboard the Wild Goose a one-of-a-kind experience.
Liability Insurance
+ A Deposit is Required for This Venue
+ No Deposit Required
Max Seating:
Sq. Feet:
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All-Inclusive Pricing Available (See Pricing Section)
+ Available Hourly:
Minimum Hours:
$ per Hour:
Holiday Parties, Business Meetings, Parties, Weddings, Anniversary Parties
Typical Events Hosted: